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"My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece."

-Claude Monet


Day 5

The guides are always available during the tour in case you need something.
The Louvre museum was our first stop today. Whenever I visit a museum, I always make everyone re-enact the different poses shown in the statues and paintings (insert teenage eye roll here).  Luckily, everyone played along, which definitely made us all look like tourists!  I countered their embarrassment by purchasing macaroons (spelled 'macarons' in French) from the Louvre McDonald's.  It was so neat to find non-traditional items in a place we Americans know best for cheap burgers and fries.  Check out our favorite photos and poses below!
After the bus ride from Paris, we arrived at Les Grands Chenes hotel, a charming country house, complete with a heated pool, volleyball court, and 12 acres of beautiful gardens to wander through during our down time.  Owners Alain and Rachael Savouré treat their guests to lovely rooms or bungalows.  Top-notch facilities and glorious views earned this hotel a 4-star rating!
Yes, teens, Europe has WiFi.  Make sure you connect and post on Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook to make sure all of your friends are envious!
The Breakfast Room was decorated in the country French style with cobblestone floors and bistro tables spread out across the room.  The fare was incredible, too!  Fresh French-pressed coffee and juices, ham, cheeses, fresh croissants with local honey, fresh hard boiled eggs from their chickens, cereal, yogurt, sweet bread, and fruit ensures that one will not go hungry!
Our group dinner in Burgundy was spectacular!  Appetizers, salmon, ham, beef, french beans, and bread was followed by a dessert of cheese, wine, and berry torte. It truly was a meal fit for a king!
A local accordion player serenaded us during dinner and seemed to be the happiest man on the planet!  One could tell by his ear-to-ear grin that he loved his job, which made our dining experience so much fun.  After dinner, the kids and some of the adults played volleyball or went swimming.
I finally got everyone together to take a group photo!
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